Hallo Kenyans elections and politicans come and go still the country has a future after these two things all we need as Kenyans is to maintain peace and to stay together as we have been don’t accept politicians to use your tribalism don’t accept to be used against your neighbour thess people called politicians they don’t love you they are in business with their families because of your vote. Don’t heckle your fellow Kenyan because of politics and the youth of Kenya don’t accept to be used to do thing that are not right in the eyes of Allah.
I urge all political groups to know the way they are behaving may also cause them to be in expenses, I urge the NASA leader to talk to his supporters and preach peace I urge the groups of Jubilee too to talk to their own supporters too and maintain peace and to know that God is watching everything you cannot hide any in this world there is no secret in the eyes of God.
I urge security agencies to come together maintain peace and work with wananchi teargas & killings is not a solution it is your work to work together with wananchi of course the government is just you and me.
Preachers according to the eye of astrology have been corrupted already stand with wananchi stand with the people of Kenya sometimes money cannot work stand with the truth & Holly looks from the Lord let me remind you oh you who believe in God stand with wananchi.
Lastly IEBC commissioners should think with a clear mind make sure Kenya is safe don’t spare any politician don’t entertain any nonsense in your office stand with the people of Kenya not politicians God will protect you.
Message to IEBC Chief Commissioner Mr. Chebukati when rain comes it comes with great things in most cases don’t fear any politician fear your Lord who is my Lord and in fact is their Lord too.
Thank you all may God bless Kenya we need protection.