Bungoma Senatorial Race!! Astrological Insight!!

Bungoma Senatorial Race!! Astrological Insight!!

2017 Elections Bungoma Senatoprial Race Bungoma Senatorial Race CORD Decision 2017 East Africa Elections ELECTIONS 2017 moses wetangula Musikari Kombo NASA ODM

Musikari Kombo has a good chance to be the Governor of Bungoma but he is making a huge mistake by running for the Senatorial Seat where he will face Moses Wetangula.
Moses Wetangula shall beat Musikari Kombo if He (Kombo) runs for the Senatorial seat in August 2017.
As a seasoned politician one would expect Musikari Kombo to run for the Gubernatorial seat since   Ken Lusaka (Current Governor) is not gonna be re-elected. Ken Lusaka is very weak politically right now and Musikari Kombo can beat him by a margin of over 70%.
Can Musikari Kombo change his mind and run for the gubernatorial Seat? Only time will tell but as things stand he is going to lose big time to Moses Wetangula.

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