Can Astrologer/Witch Doctor or Traditional healer help my Kids pass Exams?

Can Astrologer-Witch Doctor or Traditional healer help my Kids pass Exams

Can Astrologer/Witch Doctor or Traditional healer help my Kids pass Exams?

African Healer

This is an excellent question which many parents across Africa might have lingering in their heads, the love parents have to their children put them in a position where they are willing to take all risks for their kids. The success of a child is a parents dream and as I have said above parents will take any risks to see their kids go from being a nobody into an accomplished person who is respected in the villages.

Passing exams is very important in the African setup today because good grades will lead you to a great university and after a good education, in an Ivy League University, your chances of landing a good job is very high. Graduates from top universities are hot commodities and employers are always looking for them. These are also referred to as Elite Universities where only the 1% percent can afford to take their children anybody else has to dream or they better be a genius.

For me as An Astrologer I believe in Hard Work and that children should be taught how to work hard and smart from a young age and that they should not expect anything on a silver platter. Therefore exams are tests and a student should sit for them and pass using his/her own knowledge without any help from an Astrologer or any other person because if such a student is assisted to pass the exams and proceeds for example to become a Brain Surgeon then he/she will be unqualified and this will be putting the lives of many people in danger.

Let your Sons and Daughters take exams genuinely fail or pass in a genuine way because life is not about exams alone let them also follow their passion whether it’s sports, art or anything else that they feel strongly about let them test their capacity and that will be true success for them and their future will be brighter than if you encourage them to start taking shortcuts at this stage in their lives.

Can Astrologer-Witch Doctor or Traditional healer help my Kids pass Exams

Can Astrologer-Witch Doctor or Traditional healer help my Kids pass Exams


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