Can witchdoctor can give you service before asking for money

Can witchdoctor can give you service before asking for money

African Healer

The most asked question is whether a witch doctor/mganga can give you service before asking for money. This question is asked usually by people who really possess the mentality that witch doctors should not be able to earn a living from their work. The same question could also be asked about any other service you may be interested in getting for example should you pay school fees if your child fails exams as you can now see the answer to such a question is not as straight forward as many people may think.

When it comes to a witch doctor yes there are witch doctors out there who are able to offer their services to you without asking for any payment it depends on your circumstances for instance are you poor and unable to pay for the service if yes many witch doctors will happily offer their services and hope that when you succeed you don’t forget them. If you are in a position to afford then it is good you pay for the service this is called decency because witch doctors are human too.

Also remember nothing in life is guaranteed apart from death therefore even the most well-executed spells can fail due to other reasons that I have touched on here earlier thus if you have doubts whether to pay or not pay for the service the best decision for you is to stay away and give other people a chance.

Dr. Sharif Ayub East African Astrologer

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