many of the religious leaders have compromised things because of tribalism and greed for money, this makes them unable to tell the politicians the truth of the matter.


many of the religious leaders have compromised things because of tribalism and greed for money, this makes them unable to tell the politicians the truth of the matter.

Let me start by giving example of a first born in a family who wants to build a house and when he does so five years later the family members forces him to demolish the home The First born complies with the family members orders and builds somewhere else the five years later the same family members demands that the first born demolish the house again for a third time and move in with the family members instead of giving him freedom to stay/build where he wants .

According to my astrological insight few religious leaders have tried to unite Kenyans in the current political situation by bringing the political parties together, many of the religious leaders have compromised things because of tribalism and greed for money, this makes them unable to tell the politicians the truth of the matter.

I Dr. Sheikh Sharif Ayub blame them very much because they have failed in uniting the country, they have not shown direction, the country is divided right in the middle. The most important thing is honesty from both sides of the political groups without peace this country will become a big joke.

Justice and peace are important but this two things go together.

It is my responsibility to unite the people of Kenya and to appeal for justice and peace, the most important thing is for Kenyans to remain peaceful & love each other as neighbours.



I know whatever the Supreme Court decides today will not make everybody happy but we need to respect the rule of
law and use the constitutionally laid down procedures to challenge the ruling if necessary.
We have worked so hard to build this country do not be incited by anybody to harm your neighbour.

As I have said before politicians come and go but we as Kenyans shall remain neighbours for a very long time.
I also want to urge the Police to protect the people of Kenya regardless of their party affiliation it’s their right & if people are demonstrating peacefully let them express their anger the pictures we have been seeing on television paint a very bad picture but I know most of you are good people.

Once more I want to urge all Kenyans to respect one another, do not turn against your neighbour even the Holly Bible says love your neighbour as you love yourself Mark 12:31 please



Hallo Kenyans elections and politicans come and go still the country has a future after these two things all we need as Kenyans is to maintain peace and to stay together as we have been don’t accept politicians to use your tribalism don’t accept to be used against your neighbour thess people called politicians they don’t love you they are in business with their families because of your vote. Don’t heckle your fellow Kenyan because of politics and the youth of Kenya don’t accept to be used to do thing that are not right in the eyes of Allah.

I urge all political groups to know the way they are behaving may also cause them to be in expenses, I urge the NASA leader to talk to his supporters and preach peace I urge the groups of Jubilee too to talk to their own supporters too and maintain peace and to know that God is watching everything you cannot hide any in this world there is no secret in the eyes of God.

I urge security agencies to come together maintain peace and work with wananchi teargas & killings is not a solution it is your work to work together with wananchi of course the government is just you and me.

Preachers according to the eye of astrology have been corrupted already stand with wananchi stand with the people of Kenya sometimes money cannot work stand with the truth & Holly looks from the Lord let me remind you oh you who believe in God stand with wananchi.

Lastly IEBC commissioners should think with a clear mind make sure Kenya is safe don’t spare any politician don’t entertain any nonsense in your office stand with the people of Kenya not politicians God will protect you.

Message to IEBC Chief Commissioner Mr. Chebukati when rain comes it comes with great things in most cases don’t fear any politician fear your Lord who is my Lord and in fact is their Lord too.

Thank you all may God bless Kenya we need protection.

The Kenyan Leadership Galaxy Star/ Baina Star in Astrological Language.

The Kenyan Leadership Galaxy Star/ Baina Star in Astrological Language.

Lake Victoria Region

Humans will never understand explanation of astrologer, in 1945 January 6th at 12:07 am, the galaxy star of leadership was seen around Lake Victoria and again in 1961  6th March at 3:07 am the star galaxy of stars was seen around Lake Victoria.

The Kenyan Leadership Galaxy Star/ Baina Star in Astrological Language.The answer was the first Vice President of  Kenya the late Mr. Jaramongi Oginga Odinga, Lake Victoria region has miracle happenings, because the clean heart of the first vice president of Kenya Mzee Jaramongi Oginga Odinga this also cost him the presidency, he also blessed a certain politician in Central Kenya, Mzee Jaramongi Oginga Odinga loved Kenya friendship between Mzee Oginga Odinga & the late Jomo Kenyatta was very different According to former Astrologer;

1)Sharif Yahya Sr. – Astrologer from Uganda who is also my grandfather

2)Sheikh Yahya Astrologer from Tanzania.

3)James Baragatunyi, Astrologer from Marakwet Kenya

4) Sheikh Hussein Wanzuki Mombasa, Kenya

5)Samuel Esikella South African Sangoma

These astrologers saw these stars in  1945, 1961, 1950; in June 4th 1950 at 05:11am in Kiambu River Chania area, language of today. The galaxy star of leadership was seen there two times the answer was the Late Mzee Jomo Kenyatta for the presidency according to the astrologica insights by the Astrologers I have mentioned above the former president Mzee Jomo Kenyatta has leadership in him that could extend to his grandchildren, he had wisdom but he failed to remember and reciprocate what Mzee Jaramongi Oginga Odinga had done for him thi has brought rivalry that has gone on until today, you see it in Kenyan politics in the 2030s I expect the family of  the late Mzee Jomo Kenyatta to lead this country.

The Star galaxy showed me in 2012 but I don’t understand the luck of Uhuru Kenyatta where it came from we watch the star galaxy day and night there is no evidence, if there was I would have seen it astrology will never excuse and entertain what is not seen or not there in the galaxy stars I have been to Murang’s , Karura Forest, Kiambu, Nyeri, OL Kalau, Nyahururu, Imenti south to witness the star galaxy leadership. I have only seen the moon, I have  not seen the galaxy star concerning Uhuru Kenyatta, if  any astrologer saw anything & he has not told me then I will investigate further we have witnessed the supreme nullify the victory of Uhuru Kenyatta.


September 12th 2016, I made a prediction that 2017 general elections will be very sensitive which has happened cases in courts and  parliament is joking with the laws. IEBC problems presidential candidates complaining you can confrim on my website 2017 Election Break down
I said this because I know what should happen thanks to Allah. Allah has power over all things compitent. I repeat I was not mad to come out such words of wisdom.
Allah alone Quran 112:1-5 Exodus 20:3-5 you can confirm yourself I know you like to argue since you pretend that you will not die confirm Mark 12:28-29, Plasms 23:1-6.

Honesty is the most important thing in life why do you force leadership?

Presidential & Running Mates

Here is your light from the Holly Bible:

Proverbs 16:12

Psalms 94:20-21

Proverbs 29:12

James 1:5

Proverbs 11: 14

1 James 14:15

The truth about Right. Hon. Raila Odinga

Baba as most of his supporters like to call him, in his life according to my Astrological insights and Baina Galaxy the star of leadership Raila has lost only one election(1997) and was defeated was defeated by the former president H.E Mwai Kibaki even the former president Daniel Toroitich Arap Moi was defeated by Kibaki in 1997 but Moi used force and notorious state machinery to take the presidency.
In 2002 the Answer was Mwai Kibaki, Kibaki was blessed to lead Kenya but Kibaki only won twice only 1997 and 2002 the huge galaxy of leadership was seen in Nyeri County Twice (1997, 2001) the answer was 2002 the galaxy of leadership stars was seen behind Kimathi University near Nyeri town. In 2006 8th August at 02:08am the huge star Galaxyof leadership was in Lake Victoria Region Astrologer Baragatunyi was aware too.
In 2011 4th March at 4:04am and 2016 8th August at 2:08am leadership galaxy was seen in Lake Victoria region three times and there saying Raila Odinga did not win it is unbelievable no matter what happened he has leadership in his blood and that extends to his grand children and am not paid by any politician or political group or anybody to give such predictions but only for the sake of the public I do give this predictions no matter what happens the Champion of Democracy in Kenya and entire Africa and almost the whole world he is a leader. I guarantee God willing of which in Islam is Insha’Allah this man must lead Kenya.
In 2002 Kogelo January 21st at 01:21am the huge galaxy star of leadership was seen there because of Barrack Hussein Obama former Us President.
In the Rift Valley Mau Summit, Ravine and Kericho, the Galaxy star of leadership was seen there in 1974 8th of March at 01:04am twice.
1977 on 8th March at 03:07am the Galaxy leadership star was there of which happened in 1978 after the death of Mzee Jomo Kenyatta from President Moi went from the vice president to President very lucky man indeed president Moi in 1981 18th July at 05:48 am in the morning.
The Star of Sorrow was seen around Mau Summit, rain poured for three days non stop in advance the message was the lucky president will last long in the presidency (Kikulacho kimo nguoni mwako)
The Message was in 1980 the leadership could change & be taken by somebody else but he maintained his leadership.
The huge galaxy star loved to be seen in Mau Summit, Ravine and Kericho that meant moi was a great leader and could stay on for a long time but his enemies made him change to something else. Thats why we had detentions of political opponents by ‘Vijana/Jeshi ya Mzee’, preachers , political survivors were not spared by Moi’s Regime. Also made mistake by trying to take leadership through a coup, pride is evil all powers shall remain here (James Chapter 1: verse 14-15) Proverbs 14:15.
Every human being God has given enough space measuring 4x6x7 feet land space.
This greed of grabbing land and political Murders to grab power God will decide on how to dal with it. Athough God forgives also for example 1992 4th April at 04:44am in Kiharu Murang’a twice Mr. Kenneth Matiba was a true leader but because of evil minded people they decided to do what they thought was right to do for him.
You may try to kill me today and next minute could be you foolishness is evil. My blessing to you Kenneth Matiba and may God bless you and your family I know there is leadership in you and your blood no one can stop you.
King Pharaoh tried to stop the children of Israel from going to Canaan and he did no know what happened to him and for serious notoriety and greed his body is still in Egypt until now so you leaders who kill your opponents and think that you will succeed don’t worry. If you are infertile then do that but if you are a father/mother respect the ten commandements that were given to Moses in the Old Testament Exodus 20:3-5
also read Quaran 5:32, Quran 113:4-5 because of your ignorance read this verses and confirm what your Lord says.
If you change do, it is not my problem. In your grave the angels will question you without any favour according to all Holly Books from our Lord.
Here Jesus Christ Peace be Upon him, he answered the Holly Bible Mark 12:28-29 If you know you were created by God, you may excuse yourself but remember what happened to Saul for him to become Paul as we read in the Holly Bible, the word Holly Bible is not in the Bible but the Holly Quran Speaks Quran 55:1-2 you may confirm yourself.
People are wondering what is happening in Kenya in this Election year. I will spare no one, first the commissions have failed because of dishonesty and greed, they are gluttonous they eat and eat until they vomit on their shoes if I may Mr. Chiloba must resign who is his father and who is he working for and what are his intentions does he really have Kenya at his heart.
If I may as Chebukatiyou decide to fire some of your commissioners but they are still there, why are you watching has evil is happens?
You feel happy when teargas is used in this country oh no, stand by Kenya. God is with you Don’t entertain the politician in your office you are a commissioner due to the Costitution of Kenya, 2010 powered by the champion of democracy Rt. Hon. Raila Odinga and his friend Mwai Kibaki.
I urge Religious Leaders to come out & condemn evil actions of politicians and Police Brutality, there is no one who will come to kenya and make peace for you it’s just you and me because we are the World children of today. We are God’s creation, dishonesty is killing and disturbing Kenyan elections 2017. Jubilee and NASA come together of which will happen I have seen several politicians from different parties who pretend to be top leaders of this country Kenya let me remind you that what God has decided no man can change. The Holly Quran 35:2-3 some of you live in the word of God and you have no idea about the Angels of God. If I ask one of you politicians do you have an idea of how many wings the Angels of God have? Quran 35 read and confirm Islamic politicians in Kenya should be aware of the Holly Quran verses Quran 4:89, Quran 2:120, Quran 113:4-5

Message to Politicians

Since your preachers are in need of money here I will spare you not confirm this Bible Verses Titus 3:1-2, 1Peter 2:13-17 I mean you politicians who are going around the country heckling other politicians.

Message to Christian Police

Verses that you policemen should reflect on; Holly Bible – Romans 13-4, Joshua 15:13 Psalms 82:3-4, Genesis 9:6

The IEBC Commissioners

Pslams 82:3-4
Deuteronomy 32:4
Deuteronomy 16:20
Romans: 13:1-4

Islamic Police Should read

Quran 113:4-5
Quran 5:32
Quran 49:1-13 Read and understand.

The Preachers Should read

Mathew 6:21
James 14:15
Titus 3:9
Psalms 33:12
Acts 5:29
Kenyan youth should mantain peace, don’t throw stones to the police officers, they are allowed to protect themselves demonstrate peacefully don’t burn tyres on the roads don’t attack your neighbours stand by the name Kenya one people one nation and those who are looting in the name of demonstrations God is Watching you and if this i just a group created by politicians to cause chaos that is Satan in their brains.
My message to candidates running for presidency Pride comes before a fall.
Parents should talk to the youth so that we do not witness any violence in the country also I urge the parents or elders of the people running for presidency to advice them that God is God, the innocent Kenyans you are joking with are God’s creation if you think that you are a politician and can hate God’s creation you are joking and you will be caught by God.
Am not in war with the politicians I’m only advising you as the Holly Book does yes I’m an Astrologer I worship Allah who is your God too from next week I’m starting to educate the public about Jinn, Gossip & witchcraft.

Human Beings will never understand – Kenya Current Situation

Human Beings will never understand they understand if they see signs & evidences 2017 Election very sensitive I will explain without favour or fear we fear Allah all of us we belong to Him & we shall to him peace love and unity. COMING SOON! GOD BLESS KENYA.

Who do Politicians Think they Are, Kenya 2017 Presidential Election Breakdown

My Solution to Kenyan Political Situation, 1963-2017, Presidential Election

Who do Politicians Think they Are, Kenya 2017 Presidential Election Breakdown

Who do Politicians Think they Are, Kenya 2017 Presidential Election Breakdown

I have been mostly talking about what is going to happen, let me today talk on what I think is a good solution to the current Political situation.  We need  to select three elders from each tribe of the 44 tribes of Kenya and let the elders meet to make a political decision on who will be given the mandate to  run this Country.

There should be no political interference from anyone let the elders decide, I can see them being a perfect solution to Kenya.

We cannot go on pretending day by day that someone somewhere will come and  make a change  of leadership for us, its time for religious leaders like the Chief Kadhi, Al Muhdhar A.S. Hussein and Cardinal John Njue to come together and oversee the process.

These elders and the religious leaders  should not accept any bribes kind of bribes because this kind of thing will come back to haunt them please read 1st James 14:15

I would also like the Attorney General Mr. Githu Muigai to know that there are many wise men in Kenya and also he should read Proverbs 14:15 

I also want to urge all Kenyans to remain in love and peaceful with other Kenyans youth in Kenya should maintain peace and should not accept to be used by politicians for their selfish gains, we all want peace in the entire world.

Politicians should know that they are not more patriotic than any other Kenyan, actually politicians are very weak creatures I think you understand what I mean they should stop joking with the the lives of innocent Kenyans. I know politicians have a limited time to stay on earth. This kind of misbehaviour forgetting they did not create themselves no way it cannot go like that Change yourselves Politicians.

Dishonesty is destroying Kenya, Kenya is headed towards the Yellow colour I repeat again to the elders of Kenya and religious leaders you need to stand with Kenyans and I am talking about the religious leaders who go around collecting money from politicians. I remember a friend of mine who told me while we were having a meeting that what goes around comes around I know the games that you religious leaders like to play, remember this interesting verse  1st James 14:15. 

Instead of uniting Kenyans,  politicians who will all know are weak creatures look at themselves as if they are more superior than the ordinary Kenyan and I’m asking political groups to think clearly on the future of Kenya and I’m advising Mr. Wafula Chebukati to stand with Kenyans and not politicians.

Even Jesus Christ died because of the sins of other people according to the Holly Bible, I can see Kenya transforming from Saul to Paul I expect judges of Africa now to let Justice to be seen to be done. Kenya is now super power in Africa.



[Attention:] Any Time from Now I shall talk about what is happening in Rwanda, Burundi, DRC, South Sudan, Burundi & Uganda.





If you remember what I had said on the 2nd of May 2017 about the Kenya elections of 8th August 2017 and what has happened has happened since then, we get many questions without answers. The way I’m looking at this is that we may not get a president on 17th October, the truth of the matter is we could still end up in the supreme court with either side filing a petition.

My Astrological insight tells me that the IEBC is joking with Election of Kenya for example 1+1=2 and also 2+2=4 and also 4-2=2.

I would also like to advice religious leaders as I have always done to be non partisan in these elections once more.

To some MPS of certain parties should be very careful the way they react in Public and the way they behave, they may cause  what they would not like at the end of the day, I am saying this as an Astrologer and not a politician.

Astrological insight also tells me that the elections of 17th October 2017 could be  extended to next year because of the IEBC complications and the politicians Satisfaction, according to my visions the 2017 October Presidential Election has  a lot of complications compared to the past elections due to dishonesty among the players.

With that said I guarantee the Western Countries that Kenya will remain Peaceful and I urge the International Community to be honest about the Kenyan Elections, play honest diplomacy.

The Right Honourable Prime Minister Raila Odinga is not a threat to any country or mankind of the world today also Mr. Kenyatta is not a threat to any country or mankind of the world today.

International communities should rely on the intelligence of their countries for example the United Kingdom should listen to the advice of MI15, the United States should also follow the advice from the CIA and of course the FBI. The United Nations should use the respect of the UN to Unite Kenyans and not to destroy Kenya.

For the Observer mission from African Union, the AU should not have sent Thabo Mbeki as an observer for the Kenyan Elections.  Mr. Thabo Mbeki former South African President was a failure himself as the president South Africa, I remember one incident when he told the South Africans that there was no HIV AIDS  and due to his remarks many South Africans died such that the public cemeteries were filled in the major cities. If I am lying he should come out and dispute this or go to court I am ready to face him in court according to 1×1 (SIA).

I was not also shocked by John Kerry former US secretary of State, Americans believe that America comes first and anyone else comes second including Kenya.

Ignorance is the Most silent Killer (Proverbs 14:15) The Holly Bible advises also read (James 1 : 14:15) and  I want to advice the IEBC Commissioners to be aware of the Holly Bible versus especially (James 1 : 14:15)

We were also told that the Ten Commandments are more important than any Laws of Mankind . Presidential Candidates of 2017 should be aware of the versus of the Holly Bible I have mentioned above (James 1 : 14:15)  Ignore this if you created yourself but if you Know that you were created by God respect it.

I keep repeating to Kenyan People to vote wisely/peacefully and to remain in love with each other also Kenyan youths should respect their neighbours don’t turn against your fellow Kenyan, the politicians come and go Kenya remains Kenya. The police should stand with the wananchi, because these politicians will come and come go, the courts should also stand with the Kenyan People not politicians.

Its so sad to see religious leaders fail to unite the country and become partisan they are chasing money.

Lastly the Coming Presidential Elections will  be peaceful, I can see Stars illuminating their lights on Lake Victoria area, there is actually a bright light hovering around Kenya’s Lake Victoria region and that light is headed to the State House Nairobi, still the man who contested is likely to win and the country will be peaceful, unless a few disgruntled politicians decide to cause chaos, I stand by my previous predictions

The stars don’t lie, Astrological Calculation will never go wrong.






kenya presidential -petition

My Response on the Presidential Petition

kenya presidential -petitionI would like to urge all Kenyans to remain peaceful no matter the judgment that will be delivered t the Supreme Court.

Honesty is the most important weapon in life therefore Media houses should stop inviting political analysts who don’t have Kenya in their hearts instead they should invite religious leaders who don’t have hate to other people. Some of these political analyst think that we should see the World always from their perspective and that their opinions should be those of the public. A good political analyst should be honest.

The ten Commandments are more important than any laws of mankind let the Supreme Court decide I know they will it is their duty, the evidence presented by all sides involved should be scrutinized and the arguments listened to the Supreme Court is nonpartisan therefore the judges will do what is right.

To all politicians if you are humble and show people that you are no threat to them people will listen to you and they will embrace you.

I Dr. Sheikh Sharif Ayub shall stand with the Kenyan people and I take this opportunity to urge Religious leaders to do the same whether Muslim or Christian.

Almighty God I pray to you humbly protect the Kenyan people we are weak creatures even the politicians are weak creatures Oh God give all politicians a clean heart and let them agree with the judgment that will be Delivered by the Supreme Court, give the judges the Wisdom to come up with clear and fair Judgement. Oh God give us peace. God Bless Kenya, Love, Peace and Unity

message to all politicians if you lose on august 8th 2017 pllease go home



To all Candidates running for Presidential Seat, Gubernatorial seat, Senatorial Seat, Women Rep Seat, Member of Parliament seat, Member of Count Assembly Seat.

If on 08/08/2017 you are defeated fairly by your opponent you have to respect the will of the people and go home.

Kenya is bigger than all politicians combined and this country has a future after the Elections.

message to all politicians if you lose on august 8th 2017 pllease go home


I urge all religious leaders to stand with the Kenyan people I also want to take this opportunity to advice religious leaders to preach peace and warn politicians who will preach hate during this electioneering period do not take sides. By the way I’m sure you know the ten commandments Exodus 20:2-17,  Deuteronomy I want also to urge the Kenyan Police to protect all Kenyans do not be used by Politicians, the IEBC should also let the will of the people prevail.


In case there is a dispute with the election results that ends up in the court the Judges should not show any bias let them be guided by the constitution.



All the politicians should come together and preach peace this also applies to the citizens too I Dr. Sheikh Sharif Ayub shall stand with the Kenyan People and not Politicians. The media houses should not show bias let them report fairly.

The Almighty God is watching we all belong to God and to Him we shall return.

God Bless Kenya, One People , Peace, Love & Unity



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