How Men and Women Lock themselves out of their Loved Ones

How Men and Women Lock themselves out of their Loved Ones

How Men and Women Lock themselves out of their Loved Ones

African Healer

As an Astrologer I have met a lot of people from all walks of life everybody seems to be looking for something and to be honest we are all looking for something. The big question is whether we find what we are looking for; most men and women are looking for assurances that their partners will not stab them in the back by cheating on them with other women or men.

Every man or woman I have met is always worried about their lover cheating on them with other men or women this is an inborn fear which every man or woman has in whatever relationship they are in most of this emanates from a feeling of insecurity from the man or woman and worry that the woman or man can find a better person than them.

It’s ok to want a man or a woman to commit you alone but you need to ensure that you have a few things taken care of also you want to think carefully of your wordings because if you use the incorrect words the spells may not work properly or some other problems may arise in the process.

How Men and Women Lock themselves out of their Loved Ones

How Men and Women Lock themselves out of their Loved Ones

For Instance, a man or a woman will come to me and say that I want you to lock my man or woman so that he/she cannot see any other man or woman: from the look of it this seems like the right thing to tell an Astrologer but if you dig in carefully and think about the request of this person you will realize that they are also locking themselves out of their men and women and that can affect their relationship going forward. So such a small mistake can ruin the relationship between two lovers because one of them locked himself/herself out without knowing, the good thing is if you know that you cast the wrong spell for your partner you need to seek a qualified spell caster who can reverse such a situation as soon as possible.

Dr Sharif Ayub East African Astrologer

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