Can Pastors, Sheikhs, Witch Doctors and Astrologers Cure Medical Conditions?

Pastors Versus Astrologers Dr. Sharif Ayub Explains

Can Pastors, Sheikhs, Witch Doctors and Astrologers Cure Medical Conditions?

African Healer

I have been surprised by pastors who claim they can pray for somebody and cure them diseases and conditions such as HIV and Cancer if you switch on your Television today you will see a lot of them preaching this way and misleading the congregation.

But it should be noted that not all pastors are like this some of them are good people I assume but today my focus is on the Televangelists.

Pastors Versus Astrologers Dr. Sharif Ayub Explains

Pastors Versus Astrologers Dr. Sharif Ayub Explains

If a pastor tells you they can pray for you and heal you Conditions such as Cancer and so on tell him/her to go to KNH and heal the patients there first. We have witnessed horrible news where a pastor persuades a follower to stop using medication prescribed to them by a Medical Doctor. This is very inhumane and insincere and such a pastor should be taken behind bars.

I am here to speak for the powerless my fellow Kenyans some conditions Medical conditions should only be handled by a qualified Medical Doctor for ailments such as Cancer, HIV and AIDs and so on go and seek medical advise from a reputable hospital do not listen to any Pastor, Astrologer, Witch Doctor, Sheikh and so on who tells you they can cure such conditions actually if you ever come across such a person you should report them to the police or take them to court immediately.

Pastors and Sheikhs are Spiritual leaders their expertise does not extend to medical matters and thus they should only be listened to as long as they are talking about spiritual issues any departure from that their advice should not be sort.

I repeat again If you have a medical condition please schedule an appointment with a medical Doctor who is qualified and from a reputable Hospital do not visit a pastor, sheikh, Astrologer or Witch Doctor for such a situation.

And I as Dr. Sharif Ayub East African Astrologer I only deal with spiritual issues Such as Jinn, Love Spells, Curses, Bad Luck, Winning Elections for medical issues please see a medical Doctor.

Dr. Sharif Ayub East African Astrologer

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