Signs that your House or Home is haunted by Jinn or evil Spirits Explained

Signs that your House or Home is haunted by Jinn or evil Spirits Explained

Signs that your House or Home is haunted by Jinn or evil Spirits Explained

African Healer

People always wonder whether their home is safe or not safe they wonder whether there are evil spirits in there home doing unimaginable things to them this is no coincidence sometimes it might be pure speculations but other times you might have a haunted house and you may never know it.

Weird Noises in the Rooms and in the House

You might have heard some strange noises in your house from time to time leave alone the noises of rats running around your home these are noises which to happen at a particular or in a specific room when you are just there and you do not see anything that might be causing it. To be sure you need to investigate the source of the sound to know whether it’s your mind playing games on you which might be case.

Things Disappearing and Falling Randomly

Sometimes you place your item in your house at one place and realise it is missing and you have not moved it these can be random sometimes it is hard to know what is really happening in your house.

The feeling of Being Watched

Have you ever felt that someone is watching your every move as if there is an eye in your room sometimes these feelings are not misplaced but they emanate from the reality in your house other times it might be nothing to worry about but in other cases, you need to take your time asses the situation.

Signs that your House or Home is haunted by Jinn or evil Spirits Explained

Signs that your House or Home is haunted by Jinn or evil Spirits Explained

The Feeling as if Someone is Standing Behind You

Sometimes you might not know it but you may feel the presence of another person behind your back this can happen in different occasions and it can trigger chills down your spin.

Seeing unexplained shadows from the corner of your eye.

These Shadows might not be distinctive but you notice that something is not okay in your house

What to do if your house is haunted

You need to stay calm and get in touch with a Qualified exorciser who will help you. You can invite your religious leader to your home for them to lead you in prayer.

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Always Open From 7AM–8PM Every day Of the Week

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