Under Which circumstances should you Visit an African Traditional Healer and not a Pastor

Under Which circumstances should you Visit an African Traditional Healer and not a Pastor

There are many occasions in your life when you will need to visit an African Traditional Healer and not a Pastor, we all know the important role that pastors play in our society but there are many instances when you will need to visit a traditional healer (Also know as witch doctors).

  1. Exorcising Evil Spirits: If you or your family members are suffering under the attack of evil spirits you need to seek  traditional help because many pastors may never believe what you are telling them.
  2. Love Spells: If you are looking for love spells the right person to visit is an African Traditional Healer, I have never heard about a pastor who can cast love spells.
  3. Business Spells: If you want to protect your business against malicious people you need to visit an African Traditional Healer, traditional healers understand that you have worked so hard for your property and It needs to be protected at all cost.
  4. Husband and Wife issues: If your lover is cheating on you need to visit a traditional healer to find out where the truth is.


Contact Dr Sharif Ayub – East African Astrologer
Dr. Sharif Ayub Contacts Office & Phone Number;
Phone: +254723987571
WhatsApp: +254723987571
Visit My Office: Eastleigh Juja Road BH Stage, Next to Oil Libya Nairobi.
Always Open From 7AM–8PM

Under Which circumstances should you Visit an African Traditional Healer and not a Pastor

Under Which circumstances should you Visit an African Traditional Healer and not a Pastor


Chinese Witch Doctor & Leading Spiritual Healer in Beijing and Shanghai, China

The Chinese have decided to show up in the African continent in droves, they are here to stay they are hardworking or most of them are while they are in Africa, East Africa and Kenya Specifically they will need to meet the best and most powerful African Astrologer although they are Chinese that is not an issue here African Spells work for all religions, for rich and poor people the same it odes not matter even the colour of your skin Spells transcend all sorts of barriers imaginable to mankind. The Chinese Witch Doctors may start trickling in but let me tell you that nothing beats African Spells they are trusted and tested by Millions in the continent even the most educated people in the society.

Also Read [Why African Love Spells are More Powerful than any other Spell]

Also Read [The Role of Pastors in the African Society]

Also Read [Where to Find Genuine Good Luck Spells in Nairobi, Kenya]




Contact Dr Sharif Ayub – East African Astrologer
Dr. Sharif Ayub Contacts Office & Phone Number;
Phone: +254723987571
WhatsApp: +254723987571
Visit My Office: Eastleigh Juja Road BH Stage, Next to Oil Libya Nairobi.
Always Open From 7AM–8PM

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