Registered Traditional healers in South Africa, contacts and address

Registered Traditional healers in South Africa, contacts and address

Dr Sharif Ayub has practised spiritual healing in  South Africa for over 20years as a registered African Traditional Healer in the field of Spiritual Healing which has very many unvetted practitioners operating in South Africa. But if you are looking for Love Spells, Money Spells, Business Spells, Psychic reading, ghost busting, evil spirits exorcising, Ruqia reading and many other services do not hesitate to get in touch with Dr. Sharif Ayub the most Trusted Witch Doctor in Johannesburg and also the most top rated Expert Spell Caster in Southern African Countries such as, Angola, Zambia, Mozambique, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Swaziland, Lesotho, Comoros, Mauritius, Madagascar and South Africa itself.

Registered Traditional healers in South Africa, contacts and address

Registered Traditional healers in South Africa, contacts and address

Contacts & Office Location

Call Me On: +254723987571

Visit My Office: Eastleigh Juja Road BH Stage, Next to Oil Libya Nairobi.

Always Open From 7AM–8PM Every day Of the Week

How to Cast a powerful Love spell that Work in Africa in 3 Steps

How to Cast a powerful Love spell that Work in Africa in 3 Steps

Powerful Love Spells have been cast by different communities around the World for Centuries this was either to protect the person or seek some vengeance on his/her behalf. To Cast a Love Spell Successfully you need to consider a lot of things but today I shall tell you 3 Thing you need to have in your and decide upon before you cast any love spell and for your results to be successful.

  1. Do not Attempt to cast a Love Spell by your self: Many people make the mistake of thinking that love spells are light issues and can be handled casually this type of people don’t know what they are saying or taking about. Trying to cast a love spell on your own makes it to be almost guaranteed to fail because you will butcher the process and do things in a disorganized manner. Even if you are an expert spell caster you can only help other people with their spells but you cannot cast your own by yourself and you need another Spell Caster to help you cast your spell is like they say “Mganga hajigangi”.
  2. Know Your Intentions Earlier on: What do you want to achieve or you have no clue what you want, if you have no clue of the outcome you desire to achieve then any outcome will be a disappointment to you because you never pictured it in your. You have to choose the type of spell you want to cast i.e. black or white depending on the outcome you have in mind.
  3. Be Ready For the Outcome of the Spell: Some people are never ready for the outcomes because they are either casual or think that life is a joke. If you want to attract a man/lady for instance with your spell you better be ready to marry her and love her unconditionally because he/she will love you unconditionally do not start saying he/she is too loving to you or such complains. I have listed this as the last step but I think this can easily be the number one step. Ask yourself are you ready to live with the out come if the answer is yes then proceed cast that spell if the answer is no then you need to think about it before you proceed.

I know these are three tips there are many more which I shall be sharing as soon.

How to Cast a powerful Love spell that Work in Africa in 3 Steps

If you find this information helpful feel free to share with your friends and family.

Contact Dr Sharif Ayub – East African Astrologer
Dr. Sharif Ayub Contacts Office & Phone Number;
Phone: +254723987571
WhatsApp: +254723987571
Visit My Office: Eastleigh Juja Road BH Stage, Next to Oil Libya Nairobi.
Always Open From 7AM–8PM

Powerful Witch Doctor Meets Ann Mutheu a woman from Nguluni, Kagundo

Powerful Witch Doctor Meets Ann Mutheu a woman from Nguluni, Kagundo

As the most successful Astrologer, Spiritual healer, Raaqi and Witch Doctor in Kenya and beyond I have met alot of people with different problems, today I shall tell you the Story of Ann Mutheu a lady from Ukambani.
This is a story of a woman from Ukambani who could not get along very well with her husbands parents,
these parents never liked this lady because they thought their son deserved a “better” wife.

She narrated to me how the husbands parents used to humiliate her while his husband could not do anything about it they would use very offensive language and derogatory words to describe her.

This lady was not from a wealthy family and this was one of the reason that the husband’s parents thought she was
just a gold digger looking to fleece their son and walk away, when she came to my office I could see that she was ready to give up and walk away from her husband she could not take it anymore this was too much for her all the insults and humiliations started affecting her self confidence.

Powerful Witch Doctor Meets Ann Mutheu a woman from Nguluni, Kagundo

Powerful Witch Doctor Meets Ann Mutheu a woman from Nguluni, Kagundo

How to Solve This Situation
This is a very sensitive situation which need some intervention to help Ann Mutheu out, I told her that she had done a great job by not trading insults with the husband’s parents because they are like her own parents. This lady loved her husband but due to interferance from the parents she was willing to let that love die. The second thing I did was to get the husband involved as you may have noticed he never protected his own wife from his parents’ attacks, the husband needed to stand up for his husband a make it clear to the parents that the wife is also their own and they need to treat her with dignity and respect as they would wish other people to treat their own daughter.

Keeping your distance: When people live together they are likely to quarrel from time to time so moving away from the parents homestead ensures that everybody has their space
and you also give the parents a chance to miss you.

Ask Family Elders To Talk to them This is one of the last result option, if everything fails ask the elders to organise a meeting between you and the husband’s parents so that you can iron out all the issues that might be bothering you and them this way everybody will understand their boundaries.

There also other spiritual remedies that I discussed with her that I will not mention here, In general this incident captures the situation in which many women find themseleves nowadays when the get married by “Mama’s Boy” the parents feel that they will nolonger have control over their son and his affection as they used to have before. For the ladies always show respect to your husband’s parents not matter their foul language never confront them and for the men out there please protect your wives do not let your parents mock and humiliate them.

Dr. Sharif Ayub East African Astrologer

Contacts & Office Location

Call Me On: +254723987571

Visit My Office: Eastleigh Juja Road BH Stage, Next to Oil Libya Nairobi.

Always Open From 7AM–8PM Everyday Of the Week

Professional Witch Doctors and Expert Astrologers in Africa living in Nairobi, Kenya

Professional Witch Doctors Contacts and Expert Astrologers in Africa living in Nairobi, Kenya

Being an Astrologer full time is a job just like being a teacher or being a police officer. I take my job seriously that’s why you will find me at my office at BH Stage Juja Road, next to Oil Libya every day of the week 7:00AM – 8:00PM many people think that being an Astrologer or a Professional Traditional Healer or some may say Professional Witch Doctor is a walk in the park but that is not the case.

Professional Witch Doctors and Expert Astrologers in Africa living in Nairobi, Kenya

Professional Witch Doctors and Expert Astrologers in Africa living in Nairobi, Kenya

Fear Allah:

First and foremost to become a professional Astrologer you need to Fear Allah and you should not fear any mankind or politician that way you can have the heart to respect other people.

Follow a Great Man:

You must also follow in the foot steps of a successful and law abiding astrologer in your family it’s usually said charity begins at home and if your father was an astrologer you stand a better chance to learn the craft from a more a experienced man so that earlier on you will be able to avoid pitfalls.

In my Family My Father was a successful Astrologer in Uganda he predicted a lot of events that came to pass he was also an out going man he Married my mother who was a Nigerian and that is not all my grandfather was also a Very successful Astrologer and he was highly Regarded by The Kabaka Kingdom he had the respect of may men helped them where he could and advised them on what to do if he was unable to help them. So in my family this practice has been passed down from one generation to generation for over 100 years and we have remained committed in  answering human’s greatest questions.

Love Humanity:

You must have a calling you should love your work and love helping other human beings that is the only way you can become a success do not be motivated by anything else apart from the joy of helping fellow humans.

It’s when you help other people they will Pray and tell God to bless you what is greater than God’s blessings in this world.

If you find this helpful feel free to share with a friend.

Dr. Sharif Ayub East African Astrologer

Contacts & Office Location

Call Me On: +254723987571

Visit My Office: Eastleigh Juja Road BH Stage, Next to Oil Libya Nairobi.

Always Open From 7AM–8PM Everyday Of the Week

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