The Effects of Witchcraft in Africa Explained by Dr. Sharif Ayub

The Effects of Witchcraft in Africa Explained by Dr. Sharif Ayub

The Effects of Witchcraft in Africa Explained by Dr. Sharif Ayub

African Healer

When It Comes to witchcraft  Africa is the undisputed leader in the entire World witchcraft is used to harm other people and  that’s why Dr. Sharif Ayub as an Astrologers and Spiritual Healer is playing a major role of combating this situation.

The Effects of Witchcraft in Africa Explained by Dr. Sharif Ayub

The Effects of Witchcraft in Africa Explained by Dr. Sharif Ayub

Many people ask me what are the effects of Witchcraft here I shall list the Effects and sometimes symptoms of witchcraft look through it and see whether you can identify some of them in your family or your area.

  1. Husband and Wife Misunderstanding: Witchcraft can be directed to a married couple making their relationship to shake we all know that not everybody is happy for our success.
  2. Joblessness: So you have your dream job or you know somebody who had their dream job and lost it all some of the times witchcraft is usually to blame.
  3. Lack of Development: Regions like Kitui, Kisii and the Coastal parts have lagged behind due to this craft and the house holds in those area reflect the same situation.
  4. Unknown Diseases: Sorcerers are the most merciless people roaming this planet and are capable of doing anything of unleashing terror on their victims by use of all sorts of ailments including madness and so on.
  5. Addiction to Alcohol, Smoking Women/Men Prostitution some of these addictions are as a result of heartless  sorcerers who destroy and lead their victim into wrong paths.
  6. Poverty: When people are unable to find meaningful jobs due to witchcraft they end up in poverty and that is the situation in many parts of Africa.
  7. Bad Luck: It can follow a person who has been bewitched such that anything he/she does ends up not being successful.
  8. Aggression and Short Temper: Frustration from witchcraft can lead the victims into being easily triggered by things that never used to trigger them before.
  9. Affecting Love Between Husband and Wife and in turn affecting the Kids; When there is no love in the house the kids are the ones that suffer the most hence their grades in school take a major hit and that compromises their future because a good education can give them a good life.

If you are suffering from Witchcraft go to experts and people who understand the trade preferably a traditional healer new you who has great reputation for dealing with such matters and if they fail feel free to visit my office or give me a call for any advice you may need.

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Always Open From 7AM–8PM

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