According to my Astrological insight and vision, Joe Biden is going to emerge as the undisputed winner of the 2020 November 3rd Presidential Elections in the United States of American but this will not be easy because I also see that Donald Trump could use the State Machinery and Voter Suppression to curtails Joe Biden’s chance of winning all in all Donald Trump still has a chance but the people will choose Joe Biden come November 3rd.
We have seen many issues that have happened this year 2020 if there was no Corona this Year and fewer Racial injustices in the US Donald J. Trump would have been hard to beat because the economy was doing very well and the USA was seeing the lowest unemployment rates in History with that said a lot can be argued about the types of jobs that were being created and also the government spending under Trump skyrocketed and that will have its consequences even though that may not be felt very soon.
Conclusion: Joe Biden will win the Popular Vote there is no doubt about that and he will also win the Presidency because he is running against the most unpopular president in US recent history unless Trump uses the government to curtail Biden’s win.