Why Men Cheat on their Lovely Wife and Girlfriends

Why Men Cheat on their Lovely Wife and Girlfriends

Why Men Cheat on their Lovely Wife and Girlfriends

African Healer

Men are naturally hardwired to be in multiple relationships, the African culture and some religions also allow men to have multiple partners at the same time. When I talk about men cheating this does not refer to men having two wives or even four, this refers to the secret relationships that men choose to have, the relationships that are not in the light the mpango wa kandos this is what I am talking about.

Here I shall highlight a few reasons why men cheat:

Lack of Good Role Models;

When a man lacks good role models in his life many things can go wrong and his behaviour will surely reflect his situation, a good and strong man is usually faithful to his partner he will do anything not to cheat on her if he wants a second wife he will inform the first wife and make it clear that he has another woman. A responsible man should never hide a relationship from his woman.

Low Self Esteem;

The reason why men cheat is usually deeply entrenched in their psychology and their current levels of confidence, when a man cheats is mainly usually because his self-esteem is plummeting e.g he is experiencing a mid-life crisis, quarter-life crisis and so on it could also due to the difficult situation in his job where he feels as if he is not making any progress and his salary feels insufficient to cover the needs of his family.

Curse in the Family;

Some families have issues when it comes to fidelity this is usually due to a curse in the family that seems to come in and break the relationships in that family. The cheating leads to diseases and either the man or the woman dies the and this cycle of events continues for generations and generations. This cycle needs to be broken before it is too late.



Why Men Cheat on their Lovely Wife and Girlfriends

Why Men Cheat on their Lovely Wife and Girlfriends

Dr. Sharif Ayub East African Astrologer

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