Why was love spells and love portions created and who are they for?

Why was love spells and love portions created and or are they for

Why was love spells and love portions created and who are they for?

African Healer

As I have always said before love spells perform a specific function and they can really go along way in helping some people in our society so Why was love spells and love portions created and or are they for?

Men with Low Self Esteem or Shy Men;

Love spells can really help men struggling with low self esteem, it might not necessarily be low self esteem but it might be the fear of approaching women. some men maybe due to strict upbringing are unable to express there love to a lady, they are actually terrified by the idea, these men lead a sad life by being unable to find lovers because of their inhibition, In such situation the love spell or love portion can be a great remedy in helping such men overcome their barriers in finding love.

Protect House wives against stingy husbands

Some husbands are monsters they do not want to provide for their families leaving their wives in anguish so love spells an love portion helps straighten a husband who is unwilling to support his family the way he should.

Why was love spells and love portions created and or are they for

Why was love spells and love portions created and or are they for

Dr. Sharif Ayub East African Astrologer

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